Digital Marketing Services
Delivering powerful media & marketing solutions
With nearly a decade of SEO experience, we’ve proven over and over that we’ll increase your online visibility, search ranking, and site traffic.Today’s SEO isn’t just about keyword counts or backlinks from high PageRank websites. It’s about delivering content that search engines want to reward and that drives customers through your sales funnel. It’s about being found in all the right places online, and it’s about using that visibility to drive real, measurable growth in your company’s bottom line.
DigitalJB got its start as an SEO agency, and we’ve used our time to stay ahead of the curve with constant research, training and experimentation. When we say that we have the skills and knowledge needed to increase your visibility and traffic, know that we’ve been putting our money where our mouth is for nearly a decade!
Social Marketing
DigitalJB prides itself on having a team that is well-trained in all known social media platforms. Want to use YouTube SEO marketing to reach your audience? We have an expert who can help you!
We believe that the strength of a company relies on its people. This is why we train the members of our team on all social media platforms most commonly used by potential clients. With exposure and experience, we assure clients that reaching their target market will not be a problem. DigitalJB ensures that we are already a step ahead and we can exhaust the use of the social media platform to the best of our team’s abilities
Digital Marketing
A major factor as to why your website or branding is not converting new customers is because you’re lacking in professional design.
When you look at all of the larger companies in the world, they all have one thing in common – exceptional design.
The fact of the matter is your brand needs to speak out to your customer in a way that resonates with them throughout the noise.
It is said that we receive 4,000 marketing messages a day from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. How is your brand fighting through this to get through to your potential customer?
You need to leverage branding and design for your small business. Branding and design allow your company to leave a mark in the loud economy. For
I would imagine you were able to answer all of those without lifting a mental muscle because of the consistency with their branding.
UX/Interactive Design
With the digital economy drastically altering the way business is done, a website is deemed to be a necessity as opposed to being a luxury in this day and age. In fact, it is more than just jumping aboard the e-commerce bandwagon, as websites are normally the first point of contact with potential clients since they already know what they want. It is your website that will need to convince the visitor that the services and products you offer are what they need, right on the spot. A cluttered website with unsightly flashing banners and irritating pop-up windows are surefire ways to drive them away, while a jumbled mess of text and images are an instant turn off. These are precisely why professional web design services at DigitalJB are able to step in and assist
Branding & Identity
The key to brand identity is consistency. From your brand’s design to your web design and how it connects to your social media, everything is visible. Users cross between your website to Google + and read up on some reviews. Businesses who can master the art of branding and messaging can win customers, and their loyalty.
The importance of effective brand development cannot be understated. It’s at the root of every great brand and every great campaign. Identity should be timeless and should be something that is coveted and built upon for years. We’ve executed brand identity ranging from social style guides to ground-up corporate re-branding.
We believe to achieve the best work possible, a solid foundation is paramount.
Content Marketing
Our talented team will design a conversion-driven content marketing strategy using our expert SEO tactics and lead generation experience.
Use dynamic, compelling content to drive conversions.
The truth about conversion is that it’s not just a science — it’s an art. It requires talented creatives to craft content that engages your site visitors and up your SEO. You might think drafting up a Facebook ad is easy, but a great Facebook ad — one that really performs, engages, and converts — requires a dream team of copywriters and graphic designers.
Our team of talented writers and designers will work directly with your company to:
Design a content marketing strategy using best SEO practices
Craft copy that engages, converts and tells your brand’s story
Understand and test how different messaging, copy, and graphics yield certain results